# qrtz相关表结构未生成

启动报错: QRTZ_LOCKS表不存在的问题解决

2.查看mysql是否配置对大小写敏感,show global variables like ‘%lower_case%’;

# Bpmn-Js汉化

前期交付的版本Bpmn-Js未做汉化处理, 可以参照下面方案进行集成。

# 创建汉化资源


 const translations = {

    "Activate the create/remove space tool": "启动创建/删除空间工具",
    "Activate the global connect tool": "启动全局连接工具",
    "Activate the hand tool": "启动手动工具",
    "Activate the lasso tool": "启动套索工具",
    "Ad-hoc": "Ad-hoc子流程",
    "Add Lane above": "添加到通道之上",
    "Add Lane below": "添加到通道之下",
    "Append ConditionIntermediateCatchEvent": "添加中间条件捕获事件",
    "Append element": "添加元素",
    "Append EndEvent": "添加结束事件",
    "Append Gateway": "添加网关",
    "Append Intermediate/Boundary Event": "添加中间/边界事件",
    "Append MessageIntermediateCatchEvent": "添加消息中间捕获事件",
    "Append ReceiveTask": "添加接收任务",
    "Append SignalIntermediateCatchEvent": "添加信号中间捕获事件",
    "Append Task": "添加任务",
    "Append TimerIntermediateCatchEvent": "添加定时器中间捕获事件",
    "Append compensation activity": "追加补偿活动",
    "Append {type}": "追加 {type}",
    "Boundary Event": "边界事件",
    "Business Rule Task": "规则任务",
    "Call Activity": "引用流程",
    "Cancel Boundary Event": "取消边界事件",
    "Cancel End Event": "取消结束事件",
    "Change type": "更改类型",
    "Collapsed Pool": "折叠池",
    "Collection": "集合",
    "Compensation Boundary Event": "补偿边界事件",
    "Compensation End Event": "结束补偿事件",
    "Compensation Intermediate Throw Event": "中间补偿抛出事件",
    "Compensation Start Event": "补偿启动事件",
    "Complex Gateway": "复杂网关",
    "Conditional Boundary Event": "条件边界事件",
    "Conditional Boundary Event (non-interrupting)": "条件边界事件 (非中断)",
    "Conditional Flow": "条件流",
    "Conditional Intermediate Catch Event": "中间条件捕获事件",
    "Conditional Start Event": "条件启动事件",
    "Conditional Start Event (non-interrupting)": "条件启动事件 (非中断)",
    "Connect using Association": "文本关联",
    "Connect using DataInputAssociation": "数据关联",
    "Connect using Sequence/MessageFlow or Association": "消息关联",
    "Create IntermediateThrowEvent/BoundaryEvent": "创建中间抛出/边界事件",
    "Create DataObjectReference": "创建数据对象引用",
    "Create DataStoreReference": "创建数据存储引用",
    "Create element": "创建元素",
    "Create EndEvent": "创建结束事件",
    "Create Gateway": "创建网关",
    "Create Group": "创建组",
    "Create Intermediate/Boundary Event": "创建中间/边界事件",
    "Create Pool/Participant": "创建池/参与者",
    "Create StartEvent": "创建开始事件",
    "Create Task": "创建任务",
    "Create expanded SubProcess": "创建可折叠子流程",
    "Create {type}": "创建 {type}",
    "Data": "数据",
    "Data Object Reference": "数据对象引用",
    "Data Store Reference": "数据存储引用",
    "Default Flow": "默认流",
    "Divide into three Lanes": "分成三条通道",
    "Divide into two Lanes": "分成两条通道",
    "Empty Pool": "空泳道",
    "Empty Pool (removes content)": "清空泳道(删除内容)",
    "End Event": "结束事件",
    "Error Boundary Event": "错误边界事件",
    "Error End Event": "结束错误事件",
    "Error Start Event": "错误启动事件",
    "Escalation Boundary Event": "升级边界事件",
    "Escalation Boundary Event (non-interrupting)": "升级边界事件 (非中断)",
    "Escalation End Event": "结束升级事件",
    "Escalation Intermediate Throw Event": "中间升级抛出事件",
    "Escalation Start Event": "升级启动事件",
    "Escalation Start Event (non-interrupting)": "升级启动事件 (非中断)",
    "Events": "事件",
    "Event Sub Process": "事件子流程",
    "Event based Gateway": "事件网关",
    "Exclusive Gateway": "独占网关",
    "Expanded Pool": "展开泳道",
    "Gateways": "网关",
    "Inclusive Gateway": "包容网关",
    "Intermediate Throw Event": "中间抛出事件",
    "Link Intermediate Catch Event": "中间链接捕获事件",
    "Link Intermediate Throw Event": "中间链接抛出事件",
    "Loop": "循环",
    "Manual Task": "手动任务",
    "Message Boundary Event": "消息边界事件",
    "Message Boundary Event (non-interrupting)": "消息边界事件 (非中断)",
    "Message End Event": "结束消息事件",
    "Message Intermediate Catch Event": "中间消息捕获事件",
    "Message Intermediate Throw Event": "中间消息抛出事件",
    "Message Start Event": "消息启动事件",
    "Message Start Event (non-interrupting)": "消息启动事件 (非中断)",
    "Parallel Gateway": "并行网关",
    "Parallel Multi Instance": "并行多实例",
    "Participants": "参与者",
    "Participant Multiplicity": "参与者多重性",
    "Receive Task": "接受任务",
    "Remove": "移除",
    "Script Task": "脚本任务",
    "Send Task": "发送任务",
    "Sequence Flow": "顺序流",
    "Sequential Multi Instance": "串行多实例",
    "Service Task": "服务任务",
    "Signal Boundary Event": "信号边界事件",
    "Signal Boundary Event (non-interrupting)": "信号边界事件 (非中断)",
    "Signal End Event": "结束信号事件",
    "Signal Intermediate Catch Event": "中间信号捕获事件",
    "Signal Intermediate Throw Event": "中间信号抛出事件",
    "Signal Start Event": "信号启动事件",
    "Signal Start Event (non-interrupting)": "信号启动事件 (非中断)",
    "Start Event": "开始事件",
    "Sub Process": "子流程",
    "Sub Processes": "子流程",
    "Sub Process (collapsed)": "可折叠子流程",
    "Sub Process (expanded)": "可展开子流程",
    "Task": "任务",
    "Tasks": "任务",
    "Terminate End Event": "终止边界事件",
    "Timer Boundary Event": "定时边界事件",
    "Timer Boundary Event (non-interrupting)": "定时边界事件 (非中断)",
    "Timer Intermediate Catch Event": "中间定时捕获事件",
    "Timer Start Event": "定时启动事件",
    "Timer Start Event (non-interrupting)": "定时启动事件 (非中断)",
    "Transaction": "事务",
    "User Task": "用户任务",
    "already rendered {element}": "{element} 已呈现",
    "diagram not part of bpmn:Definitions": "图表不是 bpmn:Definitions 的一部分",
    "element required": "需要元素",
    "correcting missing bpmnElement on {plane} to {rootElement}": "在 {plane} 上更正缺失的 bpmnElement 为 {rootElement}",
    "element {element} referenced by {referenced}#{property} not yet drawn": "元素 {element} 的引用 {referenced}#{property} 尚未绘制",
    "failed to import {element}": "{element} 导入失败",
    "flow elements must be children of pools/participants": "元素必须是池/参与者的子级",
    "more than {count} child lanes": "超过 {count} 条通道",
    "missing {semantic}#attachedToRef": "在 {element} 中缺少 {semantic}#attachedToRef",
    "multiple DI elements defined for {element}": "为 {element} 定义了多个 DI 元素",
    "no bpmnElement referenced in {element}": "{element} 中没有引用 bpmnElement",
    "no diagram to display": "没有要显示的图表",
    "no shape type specified": "未指定形状类型",
    "no parent for {element} in {parent}": "在 {element} 中没有父元素 {parent}",
    "no process or collaboration to display": "没有可显示的流程或协作",
    "out of bounds release": "越界释放",
    "Version tag":"版本标记",
    "Change element":"改变元素",
    "Element documentation":"元素文档说明",
    "User assignment":"分配用户",
    "History cleanup":"历史记录清理",
    "Time to live":"历史记录生存时间",
    "Candidate starter":"候选启动器",
    "Candidate starter groups":"候选启动组",
    "Specify more than one group as a comma separated list.":"多个组用','分隔.",
    "Candidate starter users":"候选发起人",
    "Specify more than one user as a comma separated list.":"多个用户用','分隔.",
    "External task":"外部任务",
    "Job execution":"作业执行",
    "Execution listeners":"执行侦听器",
    "Extension properties":"扩展属性",
    "Event type":"事件类型",
    "Listener type":"侦听器类型",
    "Field injection":"字段注入",
    "Start initiator":"开始发起人",
    "Asynchronous continuations":"异步延续",
    "Local variable name":"局部变量名称",
    "Assignment type":"分配类型",
    "Delegate expression":"委托表达式(Delegate expression)",
    "Java class":"Java类(Java class)",
    "Start typing \"${}\" to create an expression.":"开始键入\"${}\"以创建表达式.",
    "Process variable name":"过程变量名称",
    "List values":"列表值",
    "Map entries":"映射条目",
    "Form reference":"引用表单ID",
    "Form fields":"表单字段",
    "Form key":"表单ID",
    "Embedded or External Task Forms":"拓展表单",
    "Camunda Forms":"标准表单",
    "Generated Task Forms":"内置表单",
    "Refers to the process variable name":"指的是(引用)过程变量名称",
    "Default value":"默认值",
    "Field injections":"字段注入",
    "Task listeners":"任务侦听器",
    "Listener ID":"侦听器ID",
    "Global message reference":"引用全局消息ID",
    "Result variable":"结果变量",
    "External resource":"外部资源",
    "Inline script":"内联脚本",
    "Process variables":"过程变量",
    "Global signal reference":"引用全局信号ID",
    "Called element":"被调用元素",
    "In mapping propagation":"在映射传播中",
    "Propagate all variables":"传播所有变量",
    "Out mapping propagation":"向外映射传播",
    "In mappings":"在映射中",
    "Out mappings":"输出映射",
    "Retry time cycle":"重试时间周期",
    "Variable name":"变量名称",
    "Condition Expression":"条件表达式",
    "Process documentation":"流程文档",
    "Candidate groups":"候选组",
    "Candidate users":"候选用户",
    "Due date":"期限",
    "The due date as an EL expression (e.g. ${someDate}) or an ISO date (e.g. 2015-06-26T09:54:00).":"到期日期为EL表达式(例如${someDate})或ISO日期(例如2015-06-26T09:54:00)",
    "Follow up date":"跟进日期",
    "The follow up date as an EL expression (e.g. ${someDate}) or an ISO date (e.g. 2015-06-26T09:54:00).":"作为EL表达式(例如${someDate})或ISO日期(例如2015-06-26T09:54:00)的跟进日期",
    "Connector ID":"连接器ID",
    "Connector inputs":"连接器输入",
    "Connector outputs":"连接器输出",
    "Global error reference":"引用全局错误ID",
    "Throw expression":"Throw表达式",
    "Decision reference":"引用决策ID",
    "Tenant ID":"租户ID",
    "Loop cardinality":"循环基数",
    "Completion condition":"完成条件",
    "Element variable":"元素变量",
    "Asynchronous before":"异步之前",
    "Asynchronous after":"异步之后",
  export const customTranslate = (template, replacements) =>{
    var language = navigator.language;
    if(language != "zh-CN"){
      return template;
    replacements = replacements || {};
    // Translate
    template = translations[template] || template;
    // Replace
    return template.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, (_, key)=> {
      return replacements[key] || '{' + key + '}';

# 修改文件


<script setup lang="ts"> 
import {ref, computed, unref, onMounted} from 'vue';
import {customTranslate} from '/@/translate/translations';

onMounted(() => {
    bpmnModeler = new BpmnModeler({
        container: '#canvas', propertiesPanel: {
            parent: '#properties'
        additionalModules: [
                translate: ["value", customTranslate],
        moddleExtensions: {
            camunda: camundaModdleDescriptors


# 执行pnpm install的时候报错

ERR_PNPM_INVALID_OVERRIDE_SELECTOR  Cannot parse the "//" selector in the overrides

  • 解决办法

# 运行警告提示WARN

::v-deep usage as a combinator has been deprecated. Use :deep(&lt;inner-selector>) instead.
  • 解决方案
.carousel {
  // Vue 2.0 写法
  // ::v-deep .carousel-btn.prev {
  //    left: 270px;
  //  }

  // Vue 3.0 更改为以下写法
  :deep(.carousel-btn.prev) {
    left: 270px;

# Lombok使用

问题效果,实体没有get/set方法 foo
解决方案: 因为通过Lombok 简化了代码,默认没有get set。IDEA安装Lombok插件